Your bright future begins in Jesus.

At Beacon Baptist, we believe everyone has a bright future in Christ Jesus. Our greatest desire is to glorify God by leading people to Christ so they can experience that bright future.

at Beacon Baptist Church

Young Adult Conference

Join us for a one-day conference with special guest speaker:
Jim Schettler

Young single adults ages 18 -30 (including high school seniors that have graduated this school year)

July 15th - 19th 2024

Vacation Bible School

From 9:30am - 12:00pm
Children grades k4-6th

The Gospel is the greatest story every told.

The gospel means "good news." It's good news because it's God's news; His rescue story for the world.

Make it your story

An independent, New Testament church

What's in a Name?

Beacon has never aspired to be anything other than what Jesus called a “Church.” Our “meeting place” is a beautiful building located in Jupiter Farms. However, the building is not the church. The Bible defines a church as an assembly of believers banded together for evangelism, edification, and worship. We love our church because we love people.

What is a Baptist?

At Beacon, the name "Baptist" identifies our heritage and our faith. We embrace scriptural principles as convictions, and do so without apology. These convictions include:

  1. The Bible is the one authoritative source of truth and knowledge.
  2. Each individual is to come directly to God for himself.
  3. God in His love for man, and in His mercy upon man, has provided a way of salvation. That salvation is only in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice He offered on the cross.
Find out more

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