Empowering businesses with innovative technology solutions

Your path to technological transformation and success - unleashing innovation for business growthss

Pt Teltics Media
Alibaba Cloud
Teltonika Telematics
Mongo DB
Microsoft Power BI

Who are we?

We are technology company engaged in developing mobile and web applications, as well as system integrators. With a dedicated expert team and successful project experience, we have provided technology solutions since 2006

Pt Teltics Media

Discover our solutions

Our comprehensive array of services and expertise designed to address your specific challenges.

System Integration

System Integration

Custom Software

Custom Software

Enterprise Apps

Enterprise Apps

Mobile Application

Mobile Application

Cloud Solutions

Cloud Solutions

IT Consultation

IT Consultation

We Are Creative Dreamers and Innovators

Start working with Teltics Media that can provide everything you need. At Teltics Media, we stand at the forefront of technology as a dynamic company specializing in the development of cutting-edge mobile and web applications. As seasoned system integrators, our journey in providing innovative technology solutions.

Explore our latest insights

Building lasting partnerships and delivering excellence across industrie

Perbedaan Kubernetes dan Docker: Keunggulan, Fitur, dan Manfaat

Perbedaan Kubernetes dan Docker: Keunggulan, Fitur, dan Manfaat

Artikel ini mengulas perbedaan antara Kubernetes dan Docker, menyoroti keunggulan, fitur, dan manfaat masing-masing. Temukan bagai...

Mengintip Masa Depan IoT di Nusantara

Mengintip Masa Depan IoT di Nusantara

Internet of Things (IoT) merujuk pada jaringan perangkat fisik berukuran kecil yang saling terhubung melalui internet. Perangkat I...

Kesan Pertama di Era Digital: Mengapa Website Anda Penting

Kesan Pertama di Era Digital: Mengapa Website Anda Penting

Pemasaran adalah jantung dari setiap bisnis. Tanpa pemasaran, tidak ada penjualan, dan tanpa penjualan, tidak ada pendapatan. Tida...

Trusted by more than 50 companies

Building lasting partnerships and delivering excellence across industries

BNI Life
Baso Afung
JK Technology
Adira Insurance
Semesta Energi Service
kk Indonesia