Car Detailing New Orleans - Shameez - Auto Detailing & Ceramic Coating Experts

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3-Year, 5-Year, 7-Year Ceramic Coatings Available
Persistent Attention To Details
Satisfaction Guaranteed
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"Great experience. Shameez went the extra mile to make my car good again after a cat was trapped inside for 36 hours. The cat is fine. The car is now too."

Shameez Car Detailing New Orleans Services

Auto Detailing Reinvented

Shamee­z Car Detailing New Orleans is your go-to de­stination for car detailing services. Our e­xpert team specialize­s in both interior and exterior car de­tailing, including advanced ceramic coatings to protect your ve­hicle's pristine appearance­. We understand that your time is valuable­, so we offer same-day booking options to accommodate­ busy schedules. With our attention to de­tail and commitment to perfection, you can trust us to me­ticulously care for every aspe­ct of your car. We take pride in offe­ring competitive pricing and a satisfaction guarantee­, ensuring that you receive­ the highest quality service­ possible. Choose Shamee­z Car Detailing New Orleans for an unparalleled car care­ experience­ that will leave your vehicle­ looking flawless.


How Our Car Detailing Works

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#2 Bring Your Car To One Of Our 5 Locations In New Orleans
Skip the shuttle and the waiting room. With our state-of-the-art detailing van, we bring our services directly to your home or workplace!
#3 Enjoy The New Showroom Shine & Feel Of Your Car
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High-Quality Auto Detailing & Interior Car Detailing

The Shameez Guarantee

At Shameez Car Detailing New Orleans, ensuring our clients are happy with their service is paramount. Recognizing that your vehicle represents a significant investment, we are committed to providing exceptional care through our auto detailing services. Whether it's exterior car detailing or interior car detailing, we're here to ensure your vehicle shines, both inside and out. Trust in our expertise and rest easy knowing your car is in the hands of professionals who value your satisfaction.

High-Quality Results

The­ secret to our outstanding auto detailing results lie­s in a combination of premium products, skilled hands, and meticulous atte­ntion to detail. We utilize state­-of-the-art detailing products that effe­ctively combat grime while re­maining gentle on your car's surfaces, thus pre­serving its condition. In addition, our te­am consists of passionate detailers who have­ undergone exte­nsive training, ensuring that eve­ry nook and cranny of your vehicle rece­ives unparalleled care­. But it doesn't end there­ – after the detailing proce­ss is complete, our thorough multi-point verification e­nsures that no spots are overlooke­d. It is this unwavering commitment to exce­llence that truly sets Shame­ez Car Detailing apart in the car detailing industry of New Orleans.

What New Orlean's Residents Say About Our Detailing Services

Superior Interior Car Detailing

At Shamee­z Car Detailing, our interior car detailing goe­s beyond a simple wipe down. We­ take a detailed approach to e­nsure every nook and cranny of your ve­hicle's interior rece­ives thorough attention.

From tackling stubborn stains on the se­ats to removing dirt from the carpets, we­ utilize state-of-the-art me­thods like steam cleaning and advance­d interior shampoo techniques to re­store that fresh, brand new look to your car.

But our service doesn't stop the­re. We also employ spe­cialized treatments to e­liminate any lingering odors, ensuring that your ve­hicle's interior fee­ls as clean as it looks.

And with our fabric, leather, and plastic prote­ctants, every surface is shie­lded against future spills or stains, providing lasting cleanline­ss. The best part? Our rates are­ highly competitive in New Orle­ans for premium interior car detailing service­s

Interior shampoo of car
Exterior ceramic coating detailing

Exterior Car Detailing For The Discerning Eye

At Shameez Car Detailing, we're fully equipped to make your car shine like never before. Our precision-driven exterior car detailing approach ensures your ride gleams from every perspective.

Aiming to improve the aesthetic of your paintwork and protect your vehicle's appearance? Our ceramic coating or exterior detailing packages are designed to  not only elevate your car's shine but also provide a barrier against environmental pollutants.

Is your car covered in contaminants like brake dust or tree sap? Our clay bar treatment is perfect for safely removing embedded contaminants. , and our paint correction services skillfully tackle any swirls or scratches, reviving your car's original gloss.

For those seeking enduring gloss and unrivalled performance like self-cleaning properties, we can only recommend you checkout our ceramic coatings which will maintain your car's exterior in peak condition for years, not months!

A Deep Dive Into What Is Car Detailing?


Understanding Car Detailing

Auto detailing is a thorough process of cleaning, restoring, and protecting a vehicle to achieve show-quality cleanliness. It is not the same with car wash since it gives an all-inclusive approach to both internal and external parts of the motor.

Detailed auto services require special tools and products for higher level cleanliness and protection. The steps include washing, waxing, polishing and protecting the exterior surfaces of an automobile while; interior cleaning with conditioning.

Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon after exterior detailing
Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon after exterior detailing

Importance of Car Detailing

One of the main reasons for getting your car detailed is that nothing feels quite as good as driving around in a freshly cleaned vehicle. Many individuals opt to get their vehicles detailed once each year, but this leaves plenty of time between details for cars to become soiled with dirt, stains or even germs.

In other words, if you want your automobile looking its best and feeling great inside then you should definitely consider getting it detailed. We suggest having your car washed at least twice annually to maintain an exceptional appearance.

A second reason why auto detailing is important has to do with maintaining its resale value later on down the line when someone else may be interested in purchasing from us instead.

Cars that are well-detailed look more attractive overall which means they can fetch higher prices than those which have been poorly maintained over time while sitting out in the sun or rain without being cleaned up properly. When we detail our vehicles all kinds of things get taken care of such as removing scratches; swirl marks etc.

Both inside and outside thereby increasing their aesthetic appeal greatly among potential buyers who might want them later on.In conclusion, car detailing is necessary because it helps keep up appearances especially when trying to sell off used automobiles that no longer serve any purpose for us whatsoever apart from taking up space within our compound somewhere along the line but still manage keeping memories alive at all times regardless of how old they become

Our Exterior Car Detailing Process

JEEP Rubicon after ceramic coating service
JEEP Rubicon after ceramic coating service

Exterior car detailing refers to cleaning, restoring and safeguarding the exterior surfaces of a vehicle. It includes a variety of treatments such as washing, waxing, polishing and paint correction that return the shine and shield against contaminants and elements in the environment.

The first step in external detailing is washing the car then applying clay bar treatment to eliminate road grime plus other pollutants from its painted surface.

At Shameez Car Detailing New Orleans we provide extra exterior defense measures using our ceramic coatings. In our experience, ceramic coatings can last ten to twenty times more than traditional waxes or sealants.In addition to this, wheels together with tires also need some attention during outer detailing. We use special wheel cleaners designed for brake dust removal and road dirt from wheels; tire dressings are used too so as to give them a glossy new look.

Our Interior Car Cleaning Process

Our professional car detailing company excels in interior vehicle detailing, aiming to rejuvenate the car's inside to a pristine condition. We leverage our extensive expertise and high-quality products and equipment to address every aspect of your car's interior, from dashboard to carpets.

Mercedes-Benz after interior car cleaning
Mercedes-Benz after interior car cleaning

The beginning of the process is a total clean with products made specifically for the interior that will go after the toughest stains and grime. Vacuuming is done powerfully so that it hits all areas, such as seats and carpets, leaving them fresh and free from debris. Our interior detailing services are designed to cater for every vehicle’s needs; we can do anything from a simple clean up job all the way up to full restoration work.

Preparation and Initial Cleaning

To begin, we gather necessary supplies such as personal protective equipment (PPE), vacuums, microfiber towels, brushes or sponges on handles (for reaching into tight spaces) and buckets. Microfiber towels work best because they have a soft touch when used on interior surfaces while brushes/sponges help get at hard-to-reach places where leather may be found.

The first step in cleaning is removing loose items and debris followed by thorough vacuuming of all seats including floor mats within the car’s interior. This sets up for detailed cleaning down later during which every part will be attended to effectively.

Deep Cleaning Interior Surfaces

Our deep clean involves reaching every surface in the car. Seats are cleaned with appropriate cleaners depending on whether they are made of fabric or leather so that any dirt or stains can be gotten rid of completely. A universal cleaner is used for treating plastic surfaces like dashboards & consoles while glass gets cleaned with streak-free window/glass cleaner. Carpets/mats undergo an intense vacuum/shampoo process until no more stain/dirt remains on them.

Detailing and Protecting

After cleaning has been done, attention is turned towards detailing and protecting the vehicle’s inside parts. We apply quality conditioners/protectants which act as sunscreens against UV rays thus preventing fading/cracking besides repelling dust altogether. Windows/glass receive special treatment whereby they are washed meticulously using unique cleanser meant for this purpose thereby improving visibility around plus contributing overall cleanliness.

Final Touches and Quality Check

To finish everything off, we bring back the car’s scent with long-lasting fragrances thereby ensuring an inviting environment inside. A thorough quality check is carried out to make sure that every little thing meets our standards; cleanliness/shine on all surfaces, adequacy of fragrance used as well as storage for any detailing supplies employed during work period. What we aim at is making sure not only does interior mirror but also surpass original state of things.

How Much Does Detailing Cost In New Orleans?

When it comes to professional car detailing services in New Orleans, the cost can vary depending on the type of service and the extent of the work required. Here are some of the most common detailing services and their associated costs.

Basic to Full Detailing Packages

Most professional car detailing services offer basic and full detailing packages. Basic detailing packages generally include a wash, vacuuming, and interior wipe down. The cost of a basic detailing package typically ranges from $50 to $200.

Full detailing packages, on the other hand, include more extensive cleaning and detailing of both the interior and exterior of the car. This can include polishing, waxing, and engine cleaning. The cost of a full detailing package typically ranges from $150 to $700 or more.

Add-On Services and Their Costs

In addition to basic and full detailing packages, professional car detailing services also offer a variety of add-on services. These services can include:

  • Sealing and paint protection: $50 to $200
  • Quick clean: $25 to $75
  • Interior detailing: $50 to $250
  • Exterior detailing: $50 to $250
  • Engine detail: $50 to $200
  • Paint correction: $100 to $1000+
  • Ceramic coating: $500 to $1,500 or more
  • Hand wax: $50 to $150
  • Claying: $50 to $150

It's important to note that the cost of add-on services can vary depending on the type of service and the size of the vehicle. It's best to consult with a professional car detailing service to get an accurate estimate for the services you require.

Money Saving Tips for Car Detailing

Here are some money-saving tips to help you keep your car looking great without breaking the bank.

Using Coupons and Discounts

One way to save money on car detailing is to look for coupons and discounts. Many detailing companies offer promotions or discounts on their services, especially during slower seasons. Contact us to learn what specials we may be running at the moment.

Maintaining Your Car's Condition

Another way to save money on car detailing is to maintain your car's condition. By getting your vehicle detailed regularly, the cost of detailing your vehicle will drop as the detailer won't need to spend as much time to clean your vehicle.

Frequently asked Questions About Our Services

What Do You Offer in Detailing Services?

We offer services both for the exterior and interior. More so, our interior service includes a full detail and shampoo. Waxing, paint correction (paint polishing), and ceramic coating are part of our outside detailing.

Car Washing VS Car Detailing

When it comes to cleaning your vehicle there are two basic options: either car washing or car detailing. The former typically focuses on getting rid of superficial dirt and debris while the latter goes beyond this level. It involves a comprehensive cleaning and restoration process that includes tasks like polishing, waxing, vacuuming interiors as well as treating stains with specialized chemicals. This holistic approach is aimed at bringing back the almost new look of your auto and making it appear refreshed.

How Long Does Auto Detailing Take?

The duration required finishing an automotive service can vary depending on different factors including size; level of thoroughness needed; specific services selected among others. Normally, a complete car wash takes between two to six hours. For a more accurate estimation based on condition please talk directly to one of our experienced staffs who specialize in details.

Are The Products We Use Safe For Vehicles?

Your safety is our priority while handling any automobile within these premises. Therefore we only utilize high quality materials together with professional techniques that match all types finishes used on cars today worldwide ensuring maximum protection against damage caused by environmental elements such as UV rays from sun or acid rain droplets etc which may lead to fading over time among other things too many mention here therefore rest assured knowing everything will be done right by us!

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