Happy, Laugh

Perfect your English
with words that matter.

English has over 200,000 words.
But you’ll never need them all. Imagine you knew exactly which words matter in your life.

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Boost your vocabulary, like never before

Discover WordUp, your ultimate AI-powered tool to master English words, whether you're a beginner, advanced or even a native.

Dive into a fun and lively way of learning, making every word memorable. With WordUp, learning English is not just easy, it's enjoyable for everyone, everywhere.

Knowledge Map: A unique WordUp invention

With the Knowledge Map in WordUp, see precisely where your English stands and chart your path to perfection.

With this map, you will no longer just learn random words, but what matters the most to reach your goals. It's the shortest, smartest and most enjoyable path to vocabulary perfection.

WordUp: More than just definitions

Far beyond simple definitions, it brings every word to life, with videos, images, expert analysis, tens of examples.

You'll not only understand, but also 'feel' every word: how and where to use it, what emotions come with it, how it compares with synonyms and other similar words, and more.