The most fun you'll have building your startup
July 10-12, 2024

Here and Now

The 14th edition Startupfest returns to Montréal with a new and exciting direction. We’re not just talking; we’re doing. It’s a chance for all of us to present, connect, take advantage of new opportunities and tackle the stuff that matters, across all verticals… right here, right now. Read the manifesto.


Why attend?

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Industry leaders and legends take the stage every summer

Startupfest brings an incredible lineup of mentors and experts to give attendees one-on-one insights, as well as exceptional speakers with surprising, inspiring stories and the kind of content you won’t find anywhere else.

Sam Colby

EVP & Chief of Staff, SRTX

Neil Grunberg

Managing Partner, Storytime Capital

Emily Ross

Director of Brand Strategy , X/Twitter - Europe, Middle East & Africa

Ravi Belani

Managing Director, Alchemist Accelerator

Haley Bryant

Principal, Hustle Fund

Timm Chiusano

Principal, Chiusano & Daughter

Alison Anderson

CEO & Founder, SuccessionMatching

Harley Finkelstein

President, Shopify

Christy Canida

Senior Director, Product, Alchemist Accelerator
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