Makroda xaridlaringizni yanada yoqimli qiling! Supermarketlarimizda bonuslarni yig'ish va hisobdan chiqarish uchun Makro ilovasini o'rnating!
Ilovaning asosiy xususiyatlari:
Bonus dasturi:
- Ushbu ilova yordamida istalgan Makro supermarketidagi har bir xariddan bonuslar yig'ing.
- Makroda xaridlarni amalga oshirishda yig'ilgan bonuslarni osongina va tez hisobdan chiqaring!
Ilovaning xavfsizligi:
- Telefon raqamini tasdiqlash hisobingiz xavfsizligini ta'minlaydi.
- Avtomatik QR kod o'zgarishi sizning identifikatoringizni muntazam ravishda yangilab turadi, bu esa boshqa shaxslarning bonus hisobingizga kirishiga yo'l qo'ymaydi.
Aksiyalar va yangiliklar haqidagi bildirishnomalar:
- Makroning so'nggi aksiyalari va bildirishnomalari bilan yangiliklardan xabardor bo'ling!
Bonuslar tarixi:
- Bonuslarni qo'shish va yechish tarixini kuzatib boring.
Katalogga tez kirish:
- Bir marta bosish bilan joriy Makro katalogiga o'ting, u yerda sizni eng so'nggi va eng yaxshi takliflar kutmoqda.
Say: You can use the bonus code to buy smart phones and other smartphones online without any problems.
If you want to use the bonus code, you can use the bonus code to buy smart phones and other smartphones. If you want to use the bonus code
, you can use the bonus code to buy smart phones. !💚
Make your shopping at Makro even more enjoyable! Install the Makro app to accumulate and write off bonuses in our supermarkets!
Main features of the app:
Bonus program:
- Accumulate bonuses from every purchase in any Makro supermarket using this app.
- Easy and Quickly write off accumulated bonuses when making purchases in Makro!
Security in the application:
- Confirmation of the phone number ensures the security of your account.
- Automatic QR code change regularly updates your identification, preventing unauthorized persons from accessing your bonus account.
Notifications about promotions and news:
- Stay up to date with the latest Makro promotions and news with notifications!
Bonus history:
- Track the history of accrual and write-off of your bonuses .
Quick access to the catalog:
- Go to the current Makro catalog in one click, where the freshest and most advantageous offers await you.
Attention: accumulation and write-off of bonuses is possible only with a working stable Internet connection on your smartphone.
Make the process of accumulation and write-off of bonuses simple convenient and safe by using the Makro app today!
More purchases, more bonuses with Makro! 💚