manager is the free app from manager magazin and Harvard Business manager. We offer you the optimal integration of current business news with exclusive articles and all content from the magazines manager magazin and Harvard Business manager.
manager magazin provides current business news, exclusive insights into companies and managers and reports on the important trends. Harvard Business manager supports you with the crucial questions about leadership, strategy and management. We convey know-how from the most renowned universities in the world, clearly and implementably for your everyday life as a manager.
Here you will find all the digital content of the two titles clearly arranged in one app.
• A compact overview: Discover business journalism in all its diversity, presented clearly and in a high quality. Get started and get direct access via the navigation bar - to the daily content of manager magazin and Harvard Business manager as well as our digital magazines. You can download the individual issues and read them conveniently offline.
• Push notifications: You can now set even more individually which notifications you would like to receive. Breaking news, daily briefings, editorial recommendations or interesting facts about your areas of interest in the areas of business, finance, politics and lifestyle. Thanks to the push notification, you won't miss an issue of our magazines, which you can read digitally on the day of publication.
• manager+: The combined subscription manager+ offers you the content of both manager magazin+ and Harvard Business manager+. This gives you access to exclusive insider stories, investigative company analyses and background information and the best original texts from "The Economist" every week.
• Podcasts: First-hand business and management experiences for your ears.
• Personal area: Adjust your font size individually and benefit from personal login advantages: Save articles on your personal, cross-device watchlist, receive article recommendations based on your usage behavior and see which articles you have read so far.
• Dark mode: Adjust the appearance of the app to your personal preferences. Switch between light, dark or the system settings of your smartphone or tablet.
• Newsletter: With our newsletters you get exactly the news you need - free and conveniently in your mailbox.
Always one insight ahead. Our digital subscription offers at a glance:
• manager+: unlimited access to all m+ and HBm+ content on all devices for 24.99 euros per month or with an annual subscription for 239.99 euros per year
• Read ad-free: read the app and on largely ad-free and without any ad tracking for €4.99 per month.
We aim to constantly improve. If you have any comments or criticism, we look forward to your feedback - via a review in the App Store or by email to
manager+ or the ad-free reading option are processed via your Google Play account and paid for with purchase confirmation. 24 hours before expiry, the subscription is automatically extended for the selected period. The manager+ subscription price includes €10 for the Harvard Business manager PDF/ePaper and €8.40 for the manager magazin PDF/ePaper.
You can cancel the subscription at any time in the settings of your Google Play account. To use your subscription outside of this app, you must link the subscription to a manager ID account immediately after purchase. By purchasing, you accept our general terms and conditions ( and our privacy policy (