Fix for importing backup with nested subfolders
Fix for displaying non standard characters
Added second screen controls (page buttons, foot pedal, etc.) to toggle logo, black screen, blank screen
Added error logging for backup/restore songs to help identify issues for some users
Minor bug fixes
Updated metronome autostart logic
Fix for importing set bug
Added OpenChords presentation order synchronisation
Other minor bug fixes
Implementation of OpenChords shared folder - allowing OpenSongApp users to synchronise songs and sets directly with iOS users running JustChords. Many thanks to Marek and Timo!
Added user preferences for transpose in set only, showing tempo in the action bar and increasing the font size in Presenter mode.
Added 'divider' custom item in a set.
Bug fixes
Added MIDI click track and MIDI clock master options
Added MIDI shorthand and control setup page for TC Helicon Voice pedals
PDF export allows for multiple columns when fit to page is selected
Added option to allow song selection using MIDI (using MSB and PC commands)
Instrument tab feature added to abc notation
Inline abc notation (within song lyrics) added
Importing of OnSong (iOS) html set list
Various bug fixes
OpenSongApp set bundle export/import - ideal for sharing a set with other users (includes the setlist and any required songs)
Support for JustChords (iOS) song and current setlist. Files can be imported and exported.
Various bug fixes
Major redesign of the built in tuner.
Improved autoscroll and inline pause calculations
Individual song sticky note and abc notation preferences to force showing or suppress showing on song load (can override app default preference)
Fixed PDF export themes not correctly using capo font colours when required (they were incorrectly using the default chord font colour).
Various bug fixes
Updated UG extraction
Autoscroll countdown for predelay option added
Restore sets logic improved to reduce imports failing
Abc notation autoshow feature added
Various bug fixes
Added inline chord diagram option for song display (useful for beginner players)
Updated autoscroll timer issue
Fixed bug when using local files (Pads, Backgrounds, etc) in a subfolder
Further fixes to clear cache of scroll values for Stage Mode when navigating back to the song display page
Fixed camera bug
Songs and NonOpenSongSongs database functions (backup/restore/export)
Nearby/Connect device improvements and option to auto start on boot
Exporting songs/sets to PDF/Print now includes scaling option and the ability to force to single page
Clients can now download the host's current set list and referenced songs (when connected)
Various bug fixes
Added built in WiFi hotspot for webserver when no WiFi networks are available
SongSelect and UG import fixes
Fixes for set menu items
Importing from docx files allowed
Bad song files are moved out of the OpenSong/Songs/ folder and into the OpenSong/Import folder. The user is alerted and can import/convert these files properly
Bug fix for secondary displays
Updated permission checks
Minor tweaks to device name in Nearby
Fix for storage permissions for Android R
Updated permissions for Google Nearby (for connecting devices)
Fix for section move in PresenterMode spotted by Ian
Fix for bug creation of set item variation
Updated Neaby permissions for Android 13
Fixed sorting of set crash for songs in 'MAIN' folder
Improved current set item highlighting (thanks Ian)
Updated permissions for Nearby
Various bug fixes
Updated strings/translations
Layout tweaks
Update to WorshipTogether song download script
Minor bug fixes
Fix for German chord transpose
Fix for pedal reconnect sometimes crashing the app
Fix for rogue song code causing problems in the menu
Various other bug fixes and improvements
Fix for set item check boxes in song menu
Other bug fixes
Fix for set issue where app didn't recognise a song was in a set. Thanks to Alistair for support in debugging
Updated Solfège chord formatting (now matches SongSelect method) - thanks to Ian for coding contributions.
Updates to transpose function
Improved page transition
Added features (long press + to add variation, etc)
Many other bug fixes
Many thanks to Ian for his contributions!
Updates to Nearby connections
Update to scroll/page turn for PDF (scroll up/down to move through pages).
Fix for bugs when zooming in on highlighter notes, etc.
Better handling of not found songs
Various other minor tweaks and improvements.
Fix for corrupted songs
Fixes for Nearby Connections
Updates for Presentation Screens
Fix for BibleGateway
Updates for AirTurn pedal
Ukrainian translation added
Received songs can be saved
Song menu accidental touch protections
Other minor fixes
Fix for KitKat users who couldn't select storage folder
Update to presentation second screen to match output backgrounds and feature for all modes where appropriate
Other minor fixes
Further improvements to metronome timing
Improved Nearby stability and usability with automatic silent reconnection if lost
Cleaner transpose improves chord placement
Storage chooser now has more guidance
Various visual improvements
Other minor fixes
Improvements to metronome and fix for timing slip with visual metronome
Updates to SongSelect import
Tidy up of popup windows
Added feature to filter out sections using custom prefixes (e.g. non-guitarists could hide [*guitar:C] sections)
Other minor fixes
Fix for issues with importing OpenSongApp and iOS/OnSong backups
Fix for long press to close menus
Various other bug fixes
Improved storage location display
Improvements to metronome function/display
Better handling of non-English html encoded text (e.g. ö, Ä, é, or ß) when extracting from UG etc.
Other minor fixes
Some improvements to menus to make them more sensible
Fix to linked files permissions being lost on device reboot
Other minor fixes
Fix for crashes on Amazon and devices without Google Play.
App gives link to install Google Services/Play Store to gain access to Nearby Connect, Google Fonts, Google Cast if device does not have these services.
Fix for highlighter colour issues
Fixed Worship Together search on 'Find new songs'
Added import for OnSong sets (.onsong or .xml files)
Improvements to Presenter mode
Updated Presenter mode - smoother and more reliable casting
Updates to CCLI licence information when projecting
Fixed autoscroll bug that was causing song duration to drift when autoscrolling
Updated PDF export feature (Android Lollipop+) to now create text based PDF (not a screenshot converted to a pdf). This is now also available when exporting a set, including all songs as pdf files for non OpenSongApp users.
Export png screenshot (Performance mode only) no longer requires adjusting autoscale to 'full'.
Various bug fixes.
Fixed storage issues (Android 8+)
Updated 'Connect' feature to Google Nearby. Better compatibility/stability. All devices need to be running v5.2.0+
Improvements to autoscroll & pads (thanks to GitHub contributions by IV)
Fixed multiple page PDFs pad cross fade
Display chords/headings in bold and warn about accidental pedal presses (thanks again to IV)
Songsheet headers
Bold lyrics option in Presentation mode
Minor code tidy and removal of obsolete libraries
Fixed pedal reconnect causing app redraw
Fixed pedal 5/6 rename bug
Added support for simulated long press action on AirTurn pedals
Better support for HDMI devices
Font size in menus can now be adjusted
Increased size available for side menus
PDFs (and images of songs) can now have autoscroll, pads, metronome, etc.
Some other bug fixes
Fix for UG website update
Nashville numbering system improvements (convert current chords to this format) - Make sure to set the song key first!
Metronome now has option to stop after set number of bars
Metronome max tempo increased to 299 bpm
Block shadow option added to connected display in Presentation mode
Various other bug fixes.
Fixed set variations issue.
Added custom font for sticky notes.
Various other bug fixes.
Fix for UG website update
Option to allow autoscaled columns to all be the same font size or to scale to max size independently
Added 'duplicate' option to the Option->Song menu (quickly makes a copy of a song with another name, or in another location)
Code clean up
Bug fixes
This will fix all storage issues (external sd cards, audio file links, camera images, etc.). Due to the new storage access required, you will be asked to confirm your storage location when you upgrade.
Includes some new and some improved features, such as pinch zoom.
Lots of bug fixes including Ultimate Guitar and SongSelect extraction.
Updated export code to deal with post Lollipop devices enforcing stricter security when sharing files
Updated code to improve host/slave device interactions
Fixed issue of importing some songs from online sources showing as an empty verse
Improved identification of malformed XML files when building song index
Opening malformed XML song files will now attempt an autofix
Autofixing a song during editing and importing a song from an online service will now try to identify guitar tab
Added item count to song folder
Connected slave devices will receive host songs automatically if they don't exist on the slave device
Fixed various bugs
Songs can be edited using ChordPro styling. The song is then converted back in to OpenSong format to remain compatible with the desktop app.
Added fix for ampersands (&) in UG songs.
Fixed sets containing songs in subfolders not saving or loading correctly.
Improved Russian translation - many thank to Sergey!
Fixed UG import issue after website change
Fixed the adding of custom image slides
Added toggle switch to song settings menu to keep multiverse verses compact.
Fixed some html tags not being processed in the song correctly
Fixed some glitches choosing link audio files
Added custom auto pad option (specify your own pad files for each key - must be saved in Pads folder)Added sending of autoscroll start/stop to connected devicesVarious bug fixes
Fixed SongSelect issue for some pdf downloads causing a crashFixed other bugs reported by users
Updated storage selector with search for old installationsMore foot pedal options (31) and support for up to 6 pedal buttons. Each can have a short/long press actionCCLI logging of songsApp receives shared textScriptures can now be added to sets from YouVersion BibleAutomatically import various file typesAutostart options added for pads, autoscroll and metronomeAdded sub folders to the song menuAdded autoscroll control quick launch buttonsAdded autoscroll maximum predelayVarious fixes
Updated notation editorUpdated XML reader encodingsUpdated Presentation mode to correctly send songs to devicesFixed some song edits not savingRandom song folder selection savedMoved capo display to info bar and display optionsFixed battery on/off text on/off savingFixed capo fret not showingCustom .ttf or .otf fonts now allowedFind new songs from UkuTabs.comFixed preview of audio linksAdded 'Learn Autoscroll time' featureAdded 'fix OpenSong format' button to the edit song window
Updated Google Cast API (Chromecast bug in the last iteration)Updated set save logic (thanks to suggestions from Alistair)Fix for songs extracted from pdf/UG that contained '&' causing errorsUpdated code for creating ABC notation (music score)
Added feature to change the alphabetical menu size in the song menu (you can also switch it off)Fixed issue of pad files not working for some users (hopefully)Fixed bug that wrongly ticked songs as being in the set if they had matching name partsFixed some of the page buttons (when not being grouped) not functioning as expectedFixed other bugs reported by some users
Bug fix for crash when starting Presentation mode - my fault entirely - sorry!!!!!In addition to trimming sections, you can now switch on/off the automatic section space (see the font options).
Added feature to edit the battery, clock and song title/authorAdded option to email the forumAdded 'Edit song' to song long pressAdded 'Pop up set view' to custom gesturesFixed 'Welcome...' being set as the title wronglyFixed Cavaquinho chord issueFixed 'Edit presentation order' corrupting some songsFixed UG imports not using the chosen filenameFixed Theme colour chooser not workingFixed option to return to the start screenFixed various other bugs causing crashes
KNOWN ISSUES - Automatic starting of autoscroll only works after tapping the screenPads aren't automatically starting between songsFixed sticky notes not closingFixed set navigation issueFixed Presentation mode for some songs not always being projectedIncreased the font sizesSwipe gesture parameter can be customisedScroll amounts and speed can be customisedAdded 'Save' button to the set view.Added option to donate via PayPalOther bug fixesApp works on Chromebooks with Play Store