Pipedata has dimensional and weight information for 72 common ASME piping components all in a fast, convenient and easy to use interface. The Pipedata name has been around since 1996, when it was first applied to Pipedata-Pro. Since then it's gained a global presence in the piping industry with large corporations and individuals appreciating the Pipedata hallmarks of accuracy and up-to date relevant information.
Based on the latest ASME piping dimensional specifications it shows Metric, U.S. Customary Units and Inch Fractions, NPS and DN pipe sizes and includes audited valve weights, flange weights, pipe weights and all piping component weights.
Pipe ASME B36.10M/19M - 2004
WeldNeck Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Slip On Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Blind Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Threaded Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
SocketWelded Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Lapped Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Long Welding Neck Flange, ASME B16.5-2013
Buttwelded 45deg Elbow, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded 90deg Long Radius Elbow, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded 180deg Long Radius Return, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded 90deg Short Radius Elbow, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded 180deg Short Radius Return, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Equal Tee, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Reducing Tee, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Cap, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Concentric Reducer, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Eccentric Reducer, ASME B16.9-2007
Buttwelded Lap Joint Stub End, ASME B16.9-2007
Threaded 90deg Elbow, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Tee, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Cross, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded 45deg Elbow, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded 90deg Street Elbow, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Coupling, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Half Coupling, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Cap, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Square Head Plug, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Hex Head Plug, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Round Head Plug, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Hex Head Bushing, ASME B16.11-2011
Threaded Flush Bushing, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded 90deg Deg Elbow, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded 45deg deg Elbow, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Tee, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Cross, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Coupling, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Half Coupling, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Cap, ASME B16.11-2011
Socketwelded Reducing Coupling, ASME Unadopted
Socketwelded Welding Boss, ASME Unadopted
Socketwelded Reducing Insert Type 1, ASME Unadopted
Socketwelded Reducing Insert Type 2, ASME Unadopted
Socketwelded Reducing Insert Type 3, ASME Unadopted
Socketwelded Union, ASME Unadopted
Socket Details, ASME B16.11-2011
Non Metallic Flat Ring for ASME B16.5 Flanges, ASME B16.21-2011
Non Metallic Flat Ring for ASME B16.47 Series A Flanges, ASME B16.21-2011
Non Metallic Flat Ring for ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges, ASME B16.21-2011
Spiral wound for ASME B16.5 Flanges, ASME B16.20-2012
Spiral wound for ASME B16.47 Series A Flanges, ASME B16.20-2012
Spiral wound for ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges, ASME B16.20-2012
RTJ Soft Iron Ring type R, ASME B16.20-2012
RTJ Soft Iron Ring RX, ASME B16.20-2012
RTJ Soft Iron Ring BX, ASME B16.20-2012
Flanged Gate Valve, ASME B16.10-2009
Flanged Globe Valve, ASME B16.10-2009
Flanged Ball Valve, ASME B16.10-2009
Flanged Control Valve, ASME B16.10-2009
Flanged Swing Check Valve, ASME B16.10-2009
Flanged Wafer Check Valve, API 594
Wafer type Butterfly Valves, ASME B16.10-2009
Lug type Butterfly Valves, ASME B16.10-2009
ButtWelded Gate Valve, ASME B16.10-2009...
- and much more, Check it out
A bug has been fixed at the Figure-8 Blank selection.
A small display issue has been fixed.
A small improvement has been made in the Schedule selection at the Lapped flange and Stub-end
A small correction has been made at the Lap Joint Stub End schedule selection.
The schedule range has been extended at the lapped flange and stub-end fitting.
Error catch where a component is not manufactured reinstated.
The dimension format at 'Pipe by Schedule' has been updated.
A bug has been fixed in the pipe title text.
Pinch and Zoom facilities have been added.
Stainless Steel Pipe size range adjustments to match ASME B36.19-2022
An Android 15 compatibility issue has been fixed.
Adaptive icons have been adjusted
Bug fix API version 35
Ctr to end dimensions adjusted at 3000lb Threaded Street Elbow
The 'About' page has been updated
Bug fixes at ASME B16.10 Flanged and Buttwelded Ball Valves.
Rating 3000 Socket-Welding Cap End Wall Thickness Corrected
ASME ball valve weights are now based on bolted valves previously they were based on the valves being fully welded
Lever and handwheel options added at flanged butterfly valves
Message and link to Pipedata Online were removed
Socket-Welding and Threaded Valve weights reviewed and adjusted.
About page tidied
- Buttwelding gate valve display updated
- 'Configs,' changed to 'Settings'
- 'Menu' link renamed to 'Main Menu'
- Threaded and Socket-Welding Ball Valves upgrade message added
- Occasional quirk at load fittings database fixed
Bugfix and refinements
(Line weights updated
Bug fix at Lapped Flange
Schedule option added at the ASME lapped flange and bug fix at load database
Ease of use improvement at Buttwelding Cap
Active Size, Class, Face, and Schedule, etc. are now where possible retained within each component group.
Small bug fix and compiled with updated SDK
Small bug fix
Recompiled with the latest SDK to take advantage of potential performance improvements
Re-compiled using latest Android SDK
Line Blanks validated to the latest standard: ASME B16.48-2020
Now has a smoother first start-up
Layout changes at 'About' form
About page redesigned
Small adjustments to lever and gear operator dimensions at flanged ball valves. | Weight based on carbon steel note added to the About form
Adjustment to weight at line blanks
Adjustments to weight at Threaded and Socket-Welding Caps
Website links added at 'About' form
Small bug fix
1.' Configuration' and 'About' pages now accessible from main menu.
2. Promotional links to 'Pipedata-Plus' removed.
Recent change at B16.5 flange vertical dimensions reverted
Graphics and annotation improved at B16.5 flanges
Bug fix at butt-welded valves
Bug fix at 45 deg SW elbow and 1.5 inch NPS pipe at fractional inch settings.
ASME specification year numbers updated (second pass)
Small bug fix at Buttwelding Cap with imperial settings
Bug fix at BW Reducing Tees as some imperial dims were showing as metric
Small bug fix and new icon.
Small bug fix
Gasket display de-cluttered
Inch Fractions added to bolt lengths
General refinements
Improved user experience, new option: Inch fraction readout added.
Improved user experience, navigation arrows added and stop off at sub-menu at back key-press added.
New active settings markers and goto’s at dropdown lists for improved user experience
Back button exit prompt added at main menu and other refinements.
Images added to web links for improved user experience.
Bolt annotation changed at 300# Lug Type Butterfly Valve
'Exit' from main menu added
Upgrade links now point to Pipedata-Plus
Improvements at B16.5 Slip-On, Threaded and Socket Welding Flanges.
This release includes improvements and bug fixes.
This release includes improvements and bug fixes
This release includes improvements and bug fixes
Minor improvements at 'About' panel
Small refinements
U.S. Customary Units at first start-up
Link to Pipedata-Pro revised
This release includes improvements and bug fixes
This release includes improvements and bug fixes
Text size v screen size redefined and improved - small,medium and tablets
Configuration form upgraded
Optimizations for large devices and tablets
This release includes improvements and bug fixes
This release includes improvements and bug fixes.
This App just got better with an even quicker launch