"Watch the Seoul Grand Park smart with the Seoul Grand Park mobile app using the Internet of Things (beacon).
Seoul Grand Park mobile app is a viewing guide service app that allows visitors to enjoy a variety of services conveniently.
You can enjoy using the mobile app to find the guide information and stories of various animals needed when watching the Seoul Grand Park.
You can also enjoy zoo quests for your family and friends to find hidden animals.
Make your precious memories with Seoul Grand Park mobile app in Seoul Grand Park with a variety of flora and fauna.
◎ Main Menu Service
-Seoul Grand Park: A service that allows you to view the theme map with information on how to use the facilities, parking facilities, and means of transportation in the park.
-Seoul Zoo: You can receive various information such as animal history, flora and fauna and convenience facilities in Seoul Zoo on the theme map, and provide contents with push notifications according to the current location of visitors through beacons.
-Theme Garden: A service that allows you to receive a variety of animal information of the Rose Garden and Children's Zoo located in the Theme Garden with a theme map
-Camping site: Provides facility information on the camping site with camping theme map
-Grand Park Route Guide: A service that allows visitors in Seoul Grand Park to get directions using the following map
-Encyclopedia of flora and fauna: Provides a variety of flora and fauna information in the Seoul Grand Park through a search service
◎ User guide
-If you agree to Bluetooth and GPS reception of your smartphone, you can provide a smooth location-based arrival notification service.
-If you are connected via 3G / LTE, you may incur additional charges depending on your carrier's plan.
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